This CD sampler by these Three Chords Grindcore band from Semarang city, Indonesia - AK//47 - are a warming up before their 3th full lentgh studio album that would be released in the middle of September this year. Adding one more guitarist and now become a quartet, make the band's sounding more heavier than in their previous 2006 full length album : "Barricades Close the Street, But Open The Way". Contains 3 tracks, this CD Sampler give us a heavy guitar sound running with blast beat drumming that prepacked with socio political lyrics, while sometimes in the middle of the track, they mix their standardize thundering grindcore with Stoner Rock Guitar Riffing.
Formed in 1999, it's been more than 10 years AK//47 kickin around in Indonesian Hardcore/Punk/Grindcore scene. And this is their newest effort in 2009 after their 2nd full lentgh in 2006, and surely, they're stil and would still... Grindcore! Enjoy!For More Info. Just Visit:
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